Join our team of GameDev experts

multiplayer sdk team of developers

Our Team

Our mission is to revolutionize how multiplayer games are made and what they can become.

We are an international team of industry veterans who have shipped several hit games played by millions of people (Limbo, Inside, Crysis, Hitman, Hearthstone, Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, Terminator: Salvation, and many more). We’re passionate about games and their potential, and understand the issues that game developers are facing every day. We value talent, and people with a high sense of responsibility and passion.

We live and work around the globe. We work from where we feel inspired, where we can balance our personal and business lives, and where we can feel healthy. Our distributed development team communicates and collaborates via Slack, Zoom, chat and email. We also meet up in the real world regularly as an entire studio or sometimes just drop by our small physical office in Malmö, Sweden to spend some time with each other.

Our Company Culture

Distributed, but close at heart
We are a distributed company but human connection is what really matters to us. We connect every morning with our peers, discuss topics outside of work, and understand that we are all human beings with lives outside of work that sometimes call for our attention. We trust each others’ engagement to work but we also understand that flexibility and mental health are vital for us to provide our best. We are curious to get to know one another and we accept our differences. We know that together we are a stronger team.

Working Smart
We are very agile, we adapt to priorities of the moment. Our processes adapt to us, and not the other way around. We are conscious about what we do and why we do it. We are willing to put in the extra time and effort to meet a specific deadline, if and when it makes sense for our business. We implement things fast, but we do take into consideration the team’s needs and limits. The humans working behind the computers are important to us, we know that without them there is no company, so we always make sure they are at the heart of discussions and that we make planning and roadmap decisions together. Internally, we share important information, we are transparent and honest across all topics.

Everyone’s opinion matters … even when they diverge
We are a team of people of so many different nationalities. We know each one of us has a different background, personality and their own way of doing things, and we believe that it’s our differences that make us strong. We are confident that each person is here for a reason and that they bring valuable experience and knowledge in their field. We trust that we are doing our best at all times. We are open minded, positive, tolerant, and we have good intentions, whether internally or externally, with our clients and community. Debate and disagreement are not scary for us, they make us better at what we do.

We use what we build
We are passionate game developers who decided to help other game developers. We are focused and engaged with the product that we are developing and we want to always improve the experience of using it, and the quality we deliver. That’s why we use what we create, in order to always put ourselves in our clients’ shoes, and identify what can be improved by testing our tool on a regular basis. We organize regular internal week-long Game Jams. While we are confident that we are doing a great job, we always double check on what we can do better. Our clients' satisfaction is our driver, we know we can always learn and improve.

Our values

Authenticity - we are genuine and honest, we truly want to help each other and our customers create better experiences and connections. We follow our words with actions. We are transparent within our organization, as well as with our customers.

Boldness - we are open to taking risks, brave enough to admit mistakes, learn from them and get better. We are open to doing things differently, and bring a new mindset to the industry - in that way we dare to innovate.

Trust - we see things and people with a positive lens, we respect each other and we are polite and patient. We listen to each other’s opinions and feedback: team members, customers and industry as a whole. We value differences. We care about our people and we trust them, we allow them to bring value to the company.

Passion - we are passionate about games and we want to change the game industry for the better. We are ambitious and we want to make a difference. We love to play with our product and make games of our own.

Our Vacancies

Thanks for your interest in joining coherence. At present, we do not have any job openings. If you would like to share your resume with us, email your resume to We will keep it on file and reach out to you as soon as a suitable position becomes available.