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coherence Global Game Jam® 2023 Challenge

Hi all!

At coherence we have always considered it our mission to bring easy and accessible multiplayer game development to everyone, and to connect people through meaningful experiences.

To make sure coherence works well, even for small teams, we’ve made game jamming the heart of our culture.

It started with internal game jams, moved on to local, smaller game jams, and now it’s time to test coherence on a truly global scale. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Global Game Jam® 2023 as an official sponsor!

So, how big is the Global Game Jam®?

To really appreciate the scale of GGJ®, it’s best to look at some numbers. Their record year saw participants from 934 locations in 118 countries, who created an amazing 9,601 games during a single weekend.

As far as live product tests go, we think you’ll agree it’s difficult to find anything more challenging. To level with you, we’re a tiny bit afraid and very excited at the same time.

Multiplayer made easy

Some of you already know that with coherence, you can make fun, working multiplayer games in a single weekend. We did, after all, host a public 48-hour game jam just two months ago.

Jammers had a great time! And they produced a bunch of fun games, despite it being their first time using coherence, and in many cases, their first time developing an online multiplayer game. For everyone else, this is your chance to see just how easy it can be.

Join the fun

Now we’d like to extend an invitation to you, our users and followers. Join in on the fun on a global scale! You’ve walked the walk with us, and there is nobody better than you to try and create truly awesome games using coherence.

Register Your Interest

We’ll of course have your back through this - take a look at the fast-track tutorial video and hit us up in the GGJ channel on our Discord to get directly in touch with our developers. And don’t forget about our documentation; we’ve updated a lot of our articles for the GGJ®!

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Published in: News
January 24, 2023